A Step Up Lounge, 3720 Walnut Hill Ln # 115, Dallas, Texas 75229. 214-351-5881. Blues jam on Tuesday night.
AllGood Cafe, 2934 Main Street, Dallas TX. 214-742-5362. Small country bar that rarely books local blues bands or touring acoustic acts. Good eats. http://www.allgoodcafe.com/
The Alley Music House, 4980 Beltline Road, Addison, Texas 75254. New venue with occasional blues. https://thealleymusichouse.com/
The Balcony Club, 1825 Abrams Road (upstairs next to the
theater), Dallas, TX 75214. 214-826-8104. Small mixed
format club with occasional blues. https://www.balconyclub.com/
Bankhead Brewpub, 611 University Dr., Fort Worth, Texas 76107. 817-439-9223. Brewery/bar with fancy eats and a small inside stage. Occasional blues acts. https://www.facebook.com/bankheadbrewing.fortworth/
Bankhead Brewpub,
13090 Bee Street, Farmers Branch, TX 75234. 214-758-0374.
New outlet for Bankhead in 2024. Live music on Fridays, sometimes
blues. https://www.facebook.com/bankheadbrewpub.farmersbranch/
The Bartonville Store, 96 McMakin Road, Bartonville, TX
76226. 940-241-3301. Restaurant and meat market with mostly
country acts. Occasional blues. https://www.thebartonvillestore.com/
The Bartonville Tavern, 2652 FM 407 E Unit 155, Bartonville, Tx 76226. New venue from the Bartonville Store folks featuring occasional live blues. Opened October 2023. https://thebartonvilletavern.com/
R.L. Griffin's Blues Palace #2, 3100 Grand Avenue (at Meadow), Dallas, Tx 75215. 214-421-9867. R&B and blues nightclub run by The Right Reverend of Dallas Blues, R.L. Griffin. Occasionally books major road acts like Bobby Rush. On site parking with security. Rough area, be careful. Holds about 250. https://www.facebook.com/RLBluesPalace2/
Bucky Moonshine's,
2912 Elm Street, Dallas, Tx 75226. 214-748-6901. Southern
Eats and bar with occasional live blues. Awesome food.
http://buckymoonshine.com/ https://www.facebook.com/buckymoonshine/
Fred's Texas Cafe,
2 locations, Fort Worth. Burger and Beer joints with rare
live blues. http://fredstexascafe.com/events/
The Goat, 7248 Gaston Ave, Dallas, TX. (former location of The Office Lounge). 214-327-8119. Mixed format club with occasional blues. http://www.thegoatdallas.com/
Granada Theater, 3524 Greenville Ave, Dallas, Tx 75206 (214) 824-9933. Beautiful old theater, revamped as a music hall. Occasional blues shows. Great sound and sight lines. Tasty pizzas. Parking on Greenville still sucks. Go early. www.granadatheater.comThe Kessler Theater, 1230 W. Davis St., Dallas, Texas 75208 214-272-8346. Beautiful old theater renovated as a music venue. http://thekessler.org/
Magnolia Motor Lounge, 3803 Southwest Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76116. 817-332-3344. Mostly country but occasional blues shows. https://www.magnoliamotorlounge.com/Sons of Hermann Hall, 3414 Elm Street (at Exposition), Dallas. 214-747-4422. Fraternal order hall opened in 1911 with large wood floored ballroom upstairs. Occasional blues shows. http://www.sonsofhermann.com/
Southside Preservation Hall,
1519 Lipscomb Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76104. 817-926-2800.
Historic 1909 Fort Worth church complex repurposed as an event
center. Occasional blues shows. https://www.southsidepreservation.com/
Tannahill's Tavern & Music Hall, 122 East Exchange suite 200 (Mule Alley in the Stockyards), Fort Worth, Texas 76164. Opened October 1, 2022. https://www.tannahills.com/
The Tavern on Main, 115 E. Main Street, Richardson, Texas 75081. 972-235-8667. Small bar with occasional blues. Smoking downstairs. Yuck. https://tavernonmainstreet.com/
Texas Lottery Plaza Stage, 316 West Los Colinas Blvd, Irving, Texas 75039. 972-810-1499. Outdoor stage at the Toyota Music Factory.
Third Rail at Harvest Hall, 815 S. Main Street, Grapevine, TX 76051. 817-250-3050. Bar and restaurant area of Hotel Vin. Occasional blues acts, but lately seems to be mostly DJs and tribute bands. Opened February 2021. https://www.harvesthall.com/event
Tolbert's Restaurant, 423 South Main Street, Grapevine, Texas 76051. 817-421-4888. Rare live blues, usually on the rock side. http://www.tolbertsrestaurant.com
Uptown Theater, 120 East
Main Street,Grand Prairie, Texas 75050. 972.237.8786.
Renovated city-owned theater featuring rare blues shows. http://www.uptowntheatergp.com/home.htm